Brea United

Brea UMC
What To Expect
In Worship
On Sunday mornings we offer worship in our sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. Our service is described as Mid-Century Modern, with organ-led hymns and our amazing choir.
Sometimes we adjust our schedule for special events, so be sure to check our events page for our updated schedule. For persons unable to attend in person, we also offer online worship. Click here for more information.
Worship is the time when we honor the God who created us and gives us life. Our morning worship services have three “movements”: gathering, listening, and responding. As we gather in God’s name, we sing, pray, and greet one another. We listen for God’s guidance to be given through the children’s time, the choir anthem or other music, the scripture reading, and the pastor’s reflections. We respond to God’s love through prayer, through offering gifts, and through dedicating ourselves to Christ’s service.
Worship at Brea UMC has a definite plan and structure, but the atmosphere is casual and informal. People dress as they are comfortable, anything from jeans to suits. Music includes traditional hymns, praise choruses, and gospel songs. The goal of worship is that people be drawn into an experience of God’s love and grace. Newcomers are always welcome.
Children in Worship
Children come to worship for the first 15 or 20 minutes and have their own special time with the pastor. They are then excused to the Sunday School room, where they learn Bible stories, play, read, share snacks, or do projects under the care of trusted adults. At about age 9, children are invited to become acolytes (candle lighters and worship assistants). Nursery care for infants and toddlers is available during the entire worship service, though some parents prefer to keep their babies with them in church. If babies are fussy or toddlers are busy, parents also have the option of participating in worship from the cry room, where windows and speakers allow access.
We serve holy communion on the first Sunday of every month. The United Methodist tradition is to use grape juice (rather than wine) so that we might include children as well as those working to maintain sobriety. Everyone is welcome to share in communion; membership is not required.
Baptisms are scheduled in consultation with the Pastor and are celebrated during the worship services (except in special circumstances when medical needs dictate other arrangements). We baptize babies, children, youth, and adults by sprinkling or pouring water on the heads of those being baptized.
Christian weddings have their foundation in the steadfast love and faithfulness of God. Pastor Hee Jung is happy to conduct wedding ceremonies for couples who are active in the life of the church, whether through service, worship, fellowship, or all of the above. If you are currently looking for a church home, and a Pastor to preside at your wedding, please visit one or more of Brea UMC’s worship services; then you may feel free to contact Pastor Hee Jung about your wedding plans.
Here, as in all things, our welcoming statement is relevant:
Brea United Methodist Church welcomes all people, regardless of age, race, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, physical condition, sexual orientation, ethnic background, immigration status, or economic situation.
We are an equal opportunity congregation and our policies apply consistently to all.